Vaccine Passports going deep into the rabbit hole….which vaccines, how many boosters are required, and exemptions or not, and how long will those vaccines be working before they all have to be repeated? COVID and 7 boosters till now, monkeypox vaccine, bird flu vaccine, RSV, HIV, pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccine, Pertussis, Mumps, Measles and wait there are 250 jabs in the pipeline. I used to joke that they are kept in a vault of a Swiss Bank with a direct tunnel to the WHO and Gates private vault, but the truth is not far off… conclusion nobody will be fully vaccinated, and in the case one is, he’ll be in memoriam as a rare but certain death unknown.

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Since Gates is the biggest donor to the WHO, I take it for granted he has huge influence on their presented goals. This is a man with no medical education, and his agenda has affected the health of the entire globe. Every person who enters the vax passport system is adding another bar to the global prison they are designing.

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Rita, your last sentence is remarkable in its simplicity and visual image. It might even get a vaccine enthusiast to pause and hopefully reflect for a moment. Wonder if there may be an artist somewhere who could create this image? One picture………🤔

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You know I did a pretty good image on photoshop at the start of the fiasco. It was supposed to be an image for a fictious movie. I haven't done PS in three years now due to being blindsided by a medical issue. I am looking at it on my phone, it says at the top in turquoise END GAME, then on the left I have in small letters in three lines spaced apart, your data your body your soul The background has a large partial eyeball to signify surveillance, I placed an image of my friend sitting on a chair, (I defaced her in the image) a dove flies away to signify her soul leaving, she is plugged into the wall, to signify she is being used up by the sinister powers that are draining her life force. It should still be on my mac, but I think the image capture well the vampiric energy that has enveloped the world. Very sci-fi really.

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That sounds brilliant!

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"Safe & Effective" is not a lie ... it's two lies.


Vaccines are poisons:





They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



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I agree

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yep its very telling theres no coverage in the media concerning the who pandemic treaty imagine my shock

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The lack of transparency is so telling. Very little, if any information is conveyed to the public. This shows that something is up. There are still people in the dark about the pandemic proposals and changes to the International Health Regulations. Many Canadians are only recently finding out about Bill C-293. The are also a group of people, who have no idea. Most people are in the dark about the North American agreement surrounding pandemics. It looks like no matter where you are. the UN, through the W.HO. will eagerly force/coerce people to into an agreement. So many underhanded games are being played. It is time for strong non-compliance.

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concerning the who pandemic treaty be aware the who are meeting november 4th they intend to finalise the pandemic treaty by november 11th for confirmation and the details check out the james roguski substack,,also theres a petition i highly reccomend..go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..read it carefully to understand just how seious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..that saId dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book/you tube/twitter who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..it currently has over 272000 signatures it urgently needs many more....and you can help in getting them firstly by signing it also by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same

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So much the press is not covering

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Yeah I’m still not taking their shots. Remember the song a country boy can survive? Praise God I live in the south.

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How is it that our beautiful ONCE FREE COUNTRY comes up with this shite? Our tax dollars spent making these gross, disgusting ‘pacs’ ? I DON’T THINK SO.

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We need to tell our Congressional reps to ignore WHO and that we won’t follow ?any of those mandates. Any Congressional reps that supports WHO mandates needs to be thrown out on their ear….literally. Now that would be an insurrection!

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People need to wake and STOP complying and obeying EVIL! These psychopaths MUST be stopped and brought to justice for killing Humanity. After the poisonous vaccines, so many young people are dropping dead like flies and governments are manipulating data to tell us there's nothing wrong yet more and more are dying for no reason: Sudden Death Syndrome!

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Should we ever trust Gates & Tedros, again, after the millions of COVID deaths worldwide? Obviously, psychopaths never learn. We must stop them & put them behind bars before they injure & kill more with their new bioweapons.

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Boosters stimulate lymphocytes CD3 inflammatory cells shown by 9 extensive forensic autopsies done by a respected German pathologist. They invade and destroy tissue and were found in every organ, in different cases. The slides shown were quite the eye opener. Unfortunately he died shortly after

this work.

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They are going to try something with digital ID.

They are going to try it soon -- probably within the next year.

It's going to be ridiculous.

As many of us as possible need to refuse to comply.

We may need to sue as well.

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I can hardly believe that any government has the audacity to promote vaccines of any kind after we've all learned that most are full of toxins and the best ones are ineffective. We must return to distrusting all governments with constant scrutiny of every agency, and strengthening national constitutions to limit government power with emphasis on protecting the rights of the people with equal justice for all.

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I hope they are training all the pointy headed enforcers to wear their proper bullit proof head gear, 'cause when they show up at my "NO TRESSPASS" (singular) posted and gated property, attempting to mandate or violate me, my writ of mandamus, i.e. the warning shot's I fire, will go straight thru the eye hole of every single one of their pointy little heads, if I can survive long enough to get 'em all, and likely right before they pry my "2A arms" from my cold, dead hands. Live free or DIE!

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Vax Passports will rule me out of visiting the USA annually - as I've done since the 1980's.

The 'unscrupulous' Medical & Pharmaceutical professions are killing people world-wide. They are either in on the Covid & vax scams, or unwilling to admit the evil skulduggery that pervades their professions, in order to retain their dubious employment. I refuse to die from an mRNA Injection!

I have been emailing my local Doctor's practice with many items of qualified evidence, data and international revelations regarding the virus Scamdemics and the pretend 'vaccines' for Covid. I then visited the Doctor to progress my minor health issue (a hernia).

During our 'friendly' consultation, I asked him why he hadn't responded to my information. His comments suggested he was fully aware of the Big Pharma deadly scams and the creation of diseases to justify highly profitable, if not dangerous, medicines and injections.

His responses were;

"I know, it's a mess isn't it"! and "Yes, but what can we do about it". That's as close to an admission as I could expect from someone who has invested the best part of his life learning and practising medicine. If he speaks out about his feelings he will be 'cancelled' and 'excommunicated', leaving him with no future prospects - and no means of earning a living.

I'm not sympathetic because by doing nothing and continuing to inject unproven, sometimes deadly poisons into his patients, he is complicit in pre-meditated mass-murder.

He also knows Big Pharma (Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, etc,) all enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for these crimes, but he is 'between a rock and a hard place' as far as his integrity is concerned. Keep jabbing or lose his job!

Unjabbed Mick (UK). We'll all live longer if we refuse another deadly jab from those with no morality.

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