"Public health officials in Texas have been instructed".

By who?

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CDC.., which is becoming interesting, because there is no director there yet...

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So now I want to know WHEN they were told. I'd expect any bureaucracy to just roll along until something specifically derails it.

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Despite of being tragic for the girl and her family, the 'outbreak' reaches a wonderful outcome of actions by the RIGHT doctors with the great solution, which might prevents Samoa2.0...

Btw. does CDC have the number of victims who died after a positive MMR test, apparently becasue of missing vaccination???

VAERS reports that there were >480 deaths AFTER the MMR vaccine.. Which number is bigger???

With the forgotten VitC and Vit A solution, now back, all these children will certainly get healthier in general!!!

Such a great report. Thank You.

Oh, can one say, that ONE 'measles' death, like SO MANY 'covid' deaths, happened 'thanks' to HOSPITALS PROTOCOLS...???

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This article contains both propaganda and information about a truly compassionate and helpful way of dealing with measles. I'm going to address the propaganda first and then speak about the incredible actions of Dr. Edwards.

It is a known propaganda technique to hide a lie among the truth. Here we go: "Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Tuesday cheered the use of what The New York Times called “unconventional treatments” for measles,..." What Kennedy actually did is reactivate the covid protocol, using a military type operation to get one, and only one, type of "solution" to the children of Texas--That "solution" is a vaccine which he knows is unsafe.

The govt. did not do any of the things needed, those actions were taken by Dr. Edwards and his friends. The govt. did not try to calm panic. It did not offer accurate information about measles or the side effects of MMR to parents. It did not stop the scapegoating of uninjected people in the community. It did not offer to bring in physicians who know how to treat measles in both a community and hospital setting. It did not try to educate the doctors in the area or the hospital about not giving a vaccine under conditions that even the manufacturer said they should not be given.

Equally important, it has not yet told the TX public "health" officials that they no longer have a job as they recommend a course of treatment which is dangerous and uses the vaccine in a way contrary to what the manufacturer says. HHS should be investigating who put out the order to use MMR against manufacturer's warning. They need to know who is ramping up the fear and hatred towards those who have not taken MMR. Those people should be known, fired and new, accurate information distributed immediately.

Texas already has access to vaccines. We don't need that kind of "help" from the Federal government! Many in West Texas are already scared to death of disease and uninjected people from the covid psyop. The largest newspaper in my area has written an article 100% guaranteed to frighten the people here. The paper admits 99% vaccinated of children in 2 areas and 95% vaccinated, putting us in the "razor's edge" of a: "violently infections and potentially fatal disease..." according to one local hospital doctor.

The covid playbook coming from the Federal govt. has been a tragedy in my area. The numbers of people dying and becoming ill from disease which exactly match the known effects of covid shots is staggering. The funeral homes remain very busy and the cemeteries are filling up with new graves. So yes, I do take this very personally and I believe the people here deserve truthful information which will calm their fears and get them real help. I would like Kennedy to send actual health advisors, such as Dr. Edwards to this area.

Dr. Edwards took it upon himself to come to Gainsville and offer compassion to the people suffering there. He has given treatment and he has tried to speak out to doctors in that area generally, including the Lubbock hospital. Along with other highly informed friends he is doing something very rare today, providing care.

Instead of providing unsafe and unneeded vaccines, our area needs men and women such as those mentioned in the article, who will give comfort, knowledge and meaningful medical support to sick people. I feel the doctors mentioned in this article are a blessing to others. We need more of them and I had hoped that Kennedy would have emphasized this kind of actual help to the people. There are plenty of vaccines in Texas. What we need is the truth, calming of fears and hatred and the help of those who can practice medicine.

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According to the cdc there was 3 to 4 million "estimated" measles cases a year in the decade before 1963. With 55 million children in 1955 divided by 17 years you would get 3.2 million children on average for each age. For 1953 it would be 3.06 million and 1962 3.9. This looks like the calculation "3 to 4 million" was simply made based on their belief in life long immunity and everyone getting 'it.

In Europe the cabbage is credited for providing vitamin C in the late winter. This would be a time when fruit was running out and new crops were not ready yet. There is people saying modern fruit has too much sugar even tho a lot of it is not ripe and lacks sugar. They tell people sugar causes diabetes even tho diabetes is insulin resistance caused by fat and too little fruit. This means there is people avoiding juice and fruit. In the 60s vitamin C was popularized. People would have grape fruit for breakfast and orange juice. There was juicers so people could make their own juice and tropical fruits people had never tried before. Between 2016 and 2020 scurvy in children more than tripled from 8.2 to 26.7 cases per 100,000. Symptoms can include a rash that does not fade when you press a glass against it and sensitivity to light.


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