This would be comical if it wasn't so terrifying. There are still way too many people who don't recognize the absurdity and peril of blatantly captured science.

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So schools are allowing pharmaceutical companies to come in and advertise drugs to children in the name of "science." That's pretty low.

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Basically!! 🤦‍♂️

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Gee I wonder why their X account blocks replies??

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Because the current level of indoctrination and lies just isn't good enough.

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Isn’t it so crystal clear that the goal of scientism is to destroy God and nature? They want you to believe that you are weak, that your body is frail, your mind ignorant or at best a tabula rasa, that this world that birthed you is to be feared and controlled, and ultimately that it is only the genius of men that can redeem you. Total and complete inversionism. Luciferian. Enslavement to the new religion, only this one is so very much darker than its predecessors.

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Oh my God, with a straight face!

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

Vaccination is dangerous! A Saturday vaccine drive attached to my home town school fair presented the flu vaccine as a saviour, then threw syringes, sans needles, out to the crowd like candy. I grasped at one 'same time as another kid... we fought... he beat the living crap outa' me for that toy, full closed fist punches to the head - this was New Zealand in 1968, and not the end of the story! Incredibly, weeks later, gov. appointed vaccinators dumped used syringes replete with needles in bins outside the school nurse's office in purple bin liners, I recall... as curious kids, we took some to play with them, leading to a school assembly when we were told-off, and teh bins disappeared! 'Round that time, I was off school and on my back for six weeks, struck by a mystery illness. Go figure!

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