This whole chronic disease epidemic now witch-hunt, is nothing else as the proliferation, cumulating effect of the side effects of medicines, vaccines, psychotropics, chemicals (plastics, synthetics, aluminum) and the new rare earth materials, Lanthanides which all of them are autoimmune and oncogenic.

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Make sick work project, as long as only they can sell you the treatments. I have a whole natural cancer reversesal podcast series and I am no body. Lol.

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A natural cancer reversal (podcast)? There many, theoretically as well as in practise, and I do believe there are many cures with natural therapies, but there are as many if not more failures with natural cures. I do am hopefull but also a realist, cancer cured? Let’s say suppressed, paliated or just out of remission, there’s no one shoe fits all, not for vaccines as well as for cancer cures, and I’m no body either I gave half of my life to homeopathy and naturopathy.

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Cancer reversal.

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Good as far as it goes but far short of truth that no RNA molecule has fidelity to pandemic and Gain of Function is badly named process of creating synthetic clones to do ALL virology and vaccine development because these RNA signals are like ghosts in the wild & entire virus vaccine mythology built on flawed models to justify what Bill Gates noted is best ROI his foundation ever made 40:1 return on vaccines. Better late than never hitting the heart of fraud.


2016 NIH funded study. https://web.archive.org/web/20161206155142/http://www.gryphonscientific.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Risk-and-Benefit-Analysis-of-Gain-of-Function-Research-Final-Report.pdf

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Why stop when the fraud is paying so well.

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from https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/god-help-us today:

Trump has nominated a scientism scammer in Dr. Gerald Parker ("One Health expert") to be the Director of the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, we can be all but certain that Operation Warp Speed 2.0 is fully in play.

"Most recently, Dr. Parker was the Associate Dean and Campus Director for Global One Health College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. He has also served as the campus director for Global One Health for Texas A&M University and Director for the Pandemic and Biosecurity Policy Program at the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs within the Bush School of Government and Public Service."

=> looks like somebody here wants to merge humanity with ANIMALS, by making HUMAN health equivalent with animals' health....

Recently eager MD's started pigs kidney's transplantations with 'war(p) s(p)eed' on multiple needy HUMANS... The HUMILIATION of bodies and minds of God created people is just beyond human imagination.

And WHERE IS RF KENNEDY Jr. in this point???

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If you haven't figured out by now from Trumps first term is that Trump likes to put certain people out front to expose them, just like he did fake Fauci and scarf lady. Also OWS was about not shutting our country down for years by the Globalist elitist until they came out with the sticky stuff, which they already had for their plandemic. Trump has exposed so many people for their crimes against humanity and treason. You're seeing it on TV as they are exposing themselves. I suggest you look into Stop World Control with David Sorensen, it's all there.

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I think this is part of it.

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Corruption is the work product of government. What do you expect from a group that takes wealth by force and redistributes it to their allies?

Get wise to the regulation/regulatory prison for your mind, because that is how they control you. Learn about it in my podcast here:


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Why are we in this stupid mess today? Leftist woke propaganda, woke government schools and woke universities (before woke was woke and just the leftisy thing they did) that pushed people into stupid territory worshiping scientism, government and authorities. It took time for the long march through the institutions to take effect. This is societal corruption at work. They deceptively separate cause and effect by time and distance, so you cannot see how much harm you and yours will personally suffer in the long run for the short-term benefit promised to you today.

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Woke and left are the same, and you are part of it as well. We’re all victims of our compliance, no one can survive on his own, and if you choose, stay out of society, don’t walk on their streets and don’t buy their shoes.

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How am I a part?

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100% because you’re a taxpayer no difference Biden or Trumpist

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