I can't imagine how many stories there are like this, and each one should come with prosecutions.
My son had his own experience, though thankfully he's fine. He had just come out of inpatient treatment for cancer, when he received a phone call from the hospital. He was asked if he had any symptoms and he did; just minor sniffles. They said he should go to the absolute BASTARDS at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, where they diagnosed him with COVID and admitted him. The next morning he called. I asked if they gave him Remdesivir and he said, "yes." I told him to refuse any more doses, tell them that he was discharging himself, and I was coming to pick him up.
The story is not without its humor though. At one point at the hospital, I saw a doctor pull her mask down, sneeze into her hand, and put her mask back up. Freaking moron.
Ohmygod, the sneezing story is just another link in the chain of farce that is perpetrated in the name of public health. Crazy. You mentioned other stories and in case it can help anyone, I've been gathering them here:
I'm so deeply sorry and send blessings to the family, plus gratitude for their courage in continuing to speak out. Thank you to Children's Health Defense for your tireless dedication to sharing truth and supporting those who have experienced harms.
I gather such reports to make it easier for researchers and truth-tellers to get quick access to whatever they need within the full context of the subject at hand. This article inspired me to pull out only the remdesivir reports (from all the failed covid protocols) into one collation.
Here's a curation of 30 reports:
In 2020, government employee Anthony Fauci mandated and incentivized remdesivir, a failed and deadly drug, as Covid “standard of care.” Hospitals complied. Researchers and truth-tellers: Get quick access to what you need from this curation of 30 reports.
My story sounds so much like Shannon's and the same year. When I spoke to my husband's nursing station, they told me he already had 3 doses of Remdesivir! I was horrified. He was not to be given any more. I spoke with his doc and asked he be given Hydroxy or the other protocol. Was told horse de-wormer. Too late already, as 3 days later was transferred to ICU, so I knew that was bad. Within a week he was gone. I asked the doctor if they get funding for patients who die from 'covid' and he said because they are a military hospital they don't. Can anyone confirm this as I'd not seen anything to confirm this statement?
I am so sorry for your loss. I heard from the early stages of this, that there were payouts for each step. The inventor of the PCR test said publically that it was NOT for diagnosis. That payout for + was about $12,000. The in-between steps I do not remember, but force-venting someone was around $45,000. BTW, 0bama paved the way for this. The patents go way back. He paved the way through 0care, and Roberts changed the submission (illegal) from insurance to tax or vice versa. I watched after that moment, that doctors were pretty much forced under hospital umbrellas. My doc saw the writing on teh wall, and retired. He told me that 0care also forced them all onto International Codes, whereas before, the docs had the license to individualize a dose. No more. The next thing was that, everytown USA had a medical facility building on every block. We never had that before. There was individual care then. Not now. Even with a spouse present, they will try to do what they are told to do, which is to prescribe conflicting meds so the patient dies. It is depop all the while scamming people for every penny they have, UN Agenda 21/30/50. 15 minute cities. Everything now is a political aim towards UN Depop. EVERYTHING. Chemtrails. Pharma CREATING health problems. Go natural asap. Let them not touch you. Get vitamins from the best places/docs. No more grocery store vitamins, ever. No plastics. Stay away and find natural everything, from laundry detergent (Charlies) to toothpaste (Tom's) and everything else. Dr. Ardis, Dr. Tenpenny, from there you will keep finding honest sources. Get out of the scam asap and as totally as possible. Buy direct from a farmer. I drink raw high-Omega 3 milk and eat clean eggs from my farmer, pork, chix, beef, honey and organic, mature harvested coffee (DG Roasters). I have been sick once since 2018. And that *** dr. almost killed me with that antibiotic. Took me 3 weeks to find online, that it could not be combined with milk. I TOLD HIM about my milk.
Thank you for your reply. I've been following the docs you mention and many more since the plandemic. I've known about DEWS/Chemtrails/Mysterious Fog and the terrible fires in CA over the years and here in Hawaii/the egg scam. One thing doesn't work, they've got another evil thing up their sleeve. Don't allow raw milk to be sold unless you sign a form saying you're a member of the 'co-op' that produces the milk and don't hold them responsible/ just heard a cow has avian infection. What next. Good thing we're informed with truth.
I can't imagine how many stories there are like this, and each one should come with prosecutions.
My son had his own experience, though thankfully he's fine. He had just come out of inpatient treatment for cancer, when he received a phone call from the hospital. He was asked if he had any symptoms and he did; just minor sniffles. They said he should go to the absolute BASTARDS at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, where they diagnosed him with COVID and admitted him. The next morning he called. I asked if they gave him Remdesivir and he said, "yes." I told him to refuse any more doses, tell them that he was discharging himself, and I was coming to pick him up.
The story is not without its humor though. At one point at the hospital, I saw a doctor pull her mask down, sneeze into her hand, and put her mask back up. Freaking moron.
Ohmygod, the sneezing story is just another link in the chain of farce that is perpetrated in the name of public health. Crazy. You mentioned other stories and in case it can help anyone, I've been gathering them here:
At US FAERS, to 31 December 2024 for Remdesivir, there were 2,624 Deaths, 8,376 Serious Adverse Reaction reports from a total of 10,298 case reports.
I'm so deeply sorry and send blessings to the family, plus gratitude for their courage in continuing to speak out. Thank you to Children's Health Defense for your tireless dedication to sharing truth and supporting those who have experienced harms.
I gather such reports to make it easier for researchers and truth-tellers to get quick access to whatever they need within the full context of the subject at hand. This article inspired me to pull out only the remdesivir reports (from all the failed covid protocols) into one collation.
Here's a curation of 30 reports:
In 2020, government employee Anthony Fauci mandated and incentivized remdesivir, a failed and deadly drug, as Covid “standard of care.” Hospitals complied. Researchers and truth-tellers: Get quick access to what you need from this curation of 30 reports.
My favorite parts of Covid:
Dopes on Dope.
They are just doctors.
… History’s Jekyll’s.
My story sounds so much like Shannon's and the same year. When I spoke to my husband's nursing station, they told me he already had 3 doses of Remdesivir! I was horrified. He was not to be given any more. I spoke with his doc and asked he be given Hydroxy or the other protocol. Was told horse de-wormer. Too late already, as 3 days later was transferred to ICU, so I knew that was bad. Within a week he was gone. I asked the doctor if they get funding for patients who die from 'covid' and he said because they are a military hospital they don't. Can anyone confirm this as I'd not seen anything to confirm this statement?
I am so sorry for your loss. I heard from the early stages of this, that there were payouts for each step. The inventor of the PCR test said publically that it was NOT for diagnosis. That payout for + was about $12,000. The in-between steps I do not remember, but force-venting someone was around $45,000. BTW, 0bama paved the way for this. The patents go way back. He paved the way through 0care, and Roberts changed the submission (illegal) from insurance to tax or vice versa. I watched after that moment, that doctors were pretty much forced under hospital umbrellas. My doc saw the writing on teh wall, and retired. He told me that 0care also forced them all onto International Codes, whereas before, the docs had the license to individualize a dose. No more. The next thing was that, everytown USA had a medical facility building on every block. We never had that before. There was individual care then. Not now. Even with a spouse present, they will try to do what they are told to do, which is to prescribe conflicting meds so the patient dies. It is depop all the while scamming people for every penny they have, UN Agenda 21/30/50. 15 minute cities. Everything now is a political aim towards UN Depop. EVERYTHING. Chemtrails. Pharma CREATING health problems. Go natural asap. Let them not touch you. Get vitamins from the best places/docs. No more grocery store vitamins, ever. No plastics. Stay away and find natural everything, from laundry detergent (Charlies) to toothpaste (Tom's) and everything else. Dr. Ardis, Dr. Tenpenny, from there you will keep finding honest sources. Get out of the scam asap and as totally as possible. Buy direct from a farmer. I drink raw high-Omega 3 milk and eat clean eggs from my farmer, pork, chix, beef, honey and organic, mature harvested coffee (DG Roasters). I have been sick once since 2018. And that *** dr. almost killed me with that antibiotic. Took me 3 weeks to find online, that it could not be combined with milk. I TOLD HIM about my milk.
And Mike Adams from Natural News.
Thank you for your reply. I've been following the docs you mention and many more since the plandemic. I've known about DEWS/Chemtrails/Mysterious Fog and the terrible fires in CA over the years and here in Hawaii/the egg scam. One thing doesn't work, they've got another evil thing up their sleeve. Don't allow raw milk to be sold unless you sign a form saying you're a member of the 'co-op' that produces the milk and don't hold them responsible/ just heard a cow has avian infection. What next. Good thing we're informed with truth.