This is GREAT news! Until it costs these companies money off the bottom line, they won’t change.

The more lawsuits the better!

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Personally, I prefer the government requiring warning labels on certain food products like those containing dangerous additives or seed oils rather than outright banning of the substances just because they are dangerous. I think it's such a bad precedent to outright ban substances that the government considers harmful. It opens the door to banning whatever those empower want to ban. A vegan administration might ban beef for example. I prefer the right to choose my own poison.

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The industry will work hard to convince you to choose their poisons.

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There’s no doubt not to believe foods are now more addictive and ultra processed.

A little research shows, back in the 80’s when the federal government began an all out assault and the hammering of the tobacco industry’s addictive products, big tobacco lost millions.

Not to be underestimated, the two big tobacco companies, RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris I believe, purchased the two biggest food companies in America.

One of the first steps big tobacco implemented was to higher more than 3,000 chemist. These new chemists were chartered with, what else, make food addictive.

Fast food to today and this is exactly why foods have become so addictive. My question is, will big tobacco be held accountable if found guilty / responsible?

When big tobacco made cigarettes more addictive simply by adding more than 2000 plus chemicals to cigarettes, they were brought before Congress and paid a fine. Big deal!

This is exactly why I don’t believe anything will happen to these mega companies who make billions of dollars of the demonstrably corrupt businesses.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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