A Tennessee judge ordered a family to vaccinate all three of their children who had never been vaccinated. Five-year-old Isaac immediately became ill and was diagnosed with severe regressive autism.
In the last 2 months, I've read Susanne Humphries "Dissolving Illusions", Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" and RFK,Jr's "The Wuhan Coverup". These are exquisitely researched texts hallmarking the multitude of health issues over time emanating from the vaccine industry. As a retired internist and medical oncologist who practiced for over 40 years, I've witnessed the precipitous drop of US public health world rankings from #3 to less #33 over this same time. In medical school, vaccines are regarded as "The Holy Grail" saving man-kind from infectious diseases. The texts I cited above and the tragedy of this young boy should bring to a halt the use of mRNA vaccines. Both Susanne Humphries and Robert Kennedy, Jr. attempt to dispel the myth that vaccines are healthy and safe. In fact, the current vaccine schedule for children includes about 70 vaccines by the age of 18 years. There is documentation that each child receives about 4000 grams of aluminum in these injections - which is 4 times the amount I received in my vaccinations during my lifetime. Let it be known, aluminum travels to the brain and is known to cause marked inflammation! I firmly believe the current vaccination schema backed by Pharma, the federal government and the American Academy of Pediatrics should be curtailed post haste until true science with good clinical trials with randomized controls for all vaccines are performed and the results known. The COVID-19 vaccine trials with their results were terrible science with the the American public hoodwinked by outright propaganda from government, Big Pharma and and poorly informed and unquestioning practitioners of medicine. If the above changes are not adopted, our children will continue in ill health in part derived by the perpetuated myth that current vaccines are safe.
Judge should quit his job and provide 24/7 care. Time to dip into his retirement fund and pay all the medical bills while he’s at it. If that’s not to his liking, a 🔥 with him over the pit might cure him of ever harming another child.
Why haven't they arrested the judge for attempted murder yet?
What a tragic experience. I want to see the judge AND the deadbeat mother held personally accountable.
What doctor or nurse or ANYONE in their right mind would give a child 18 at one time?!?!?
In the last 2 months, I've read Susanne Humphries "Dissolving Illusions", Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" and RFK,Jr's "The Wuhan Coverup". These are exquisitely researched texts hallmarking the multitude of health issues over time emanating from the vaccine industry. As a retired internist and medical oncologist who practiced for over 40 years, I've witnessed the precipitous drop of US public health world rankings from #3 to less #33 over this same time. In medical school, vaccines are regarded as "The Holy Grail" saving man-kind from infectious diseases. The texts I cited above and the tragedy of this young boy should bring to a halt the use of mRNA vaccines. Both Susanne Humphries and Robert Kennedy, Jr. attempt to dispel the myth that vaccines are healthy and safe. In fact, the current vaccine schedule for children includes about 70 vaccines by the age of 18 years. There is documentation that each child receives about 4000 grams of aluminum in these injections - which is 4 times the amount I received in my vaccinations during my lifetime. Let it be known, aluminum travels to the brain and is known to cause marked inflammation! I firmly believe the current vaccination schema backed by Pharma, the federal government and the American Academy of Pediatrics should be curtailed post haste until true science with good clinical trials with randomized controls for all vaccines are performed and the results known. The COVID-19 vaccine trials with their results were terrible science with the the American public hoodwinked by outright propaganda from government, Big Pharma and and poorly informed and unquestioning practitioners of medicine. If the above changes are not adopted, our children will continue in ill health in part derived by the perpetuated myth that current vaccines are safe.
This horror story MUST go viral.
What an absolute tragedy - and totally avoidable!
Judge should quit his job and provide 24/7 care. Time to dip into his retirement fund and pay all the medical bills while he’s at it. If that’s not to his liking, a 🔥 with him over the pit might cure him of ever harming another child.
Oh my god! I am beside myself on this! There needs to be accountability from the pediatrician to the court/judge! This needs to def go viral!!
Please do a gofundme for this man
GiveSendGo…they really proved themselves by standing up to the Canadian government whereas GoFundMe caved. This family also needs prayers