Thank you Brenda Baletti for the excellent article and CHD's follow-up and pursuit. Remember folks Albert Benavides = WelcomeTheEagle (me). Now see the the additional new 16 RSV reports that went hidden (including 1 death) in VAERS new update published Jul 5th.: https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/vaers-new-data-update-published-july-eef

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Two? ONE is too many!

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When I read the studies for this vaccine earlier I noted that the death rate for the babies that received the treatment was higher than for the placebo group - which of course wasn't really a placebo.

Here we go: https://www.fda.gov/media/169226/download

Page 33 shows 11 babies in the trial arm died vs 4 babies in the placebo arm. There were about twice as many babies in the trial arm, so the death rates were worse for the trial arm.

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So sad, but I'm glad you uncovered the truth.

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