isn't it a time for the next executive order to STOP any funding to all these DEATH facilities???

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Here is where to contact this hospital and another hospital who is refusing yet another person a heart transplant unless they vaccinate: https://www.ohioamf.org/

Here is my letter:

I am writing to ask that you reconsider the requirement of covid and flu shots before Adaline's surgery.

As you must know, mrna shots such as these are known to negatively affect the heart. These shots effects are listed in the manufacturer's own literature as well as extensively covered in the FOIA releases by the FDA/Pfizer and Moderna. I read that you wanted to make certain that a donated heart didn't go to waste. That doesn't make any sense when the very products you require this young woman to take have a very high possibility of causing her to have myo or pericarditis. This medical rational is conterfactual to the known and admitted side effects of such injections.

Further, freedom of religion is covered under Federal law in the Civil Rights Act. Following the law isn't optional.

Your policy seems very oddly argued. Please bring your policy in line with known facts concerning mrna and the law.

Thank you for your time.


So I am wondering if some kind of federal or other payments are going specifically to these hospitals. I learned from Mary Talley Bowden that Huston Methodist Hospital was the first to mandate covid shots, even prior to mandates by Biden. Knowing as we do, that hospitals took money to push the shots and other products such as Remdesivir, usually following a covid protocol likely to result in harm to patients, is some entity paying these hospitals to demand these shots?

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mrna should be immediately recalled. This is a criminal product whose only use is to commit harm. The FDA/Pfizer/Moderna documents about the product is clear. They don't work to ameliorate anything and they cause great harm. Both flu and covid shots are mrna. I strongly suggest that the Defender speak up loudly about the removal of all mrna genetic altering "vaccines" for animals and other humans. We know what they do from the govt.'s own documents.

That said, this and other hospitals should be sued. If you want to make good use of the heart transplant, the last thing you would do is give a product which is known to cause myo and pericarditis in children (and adults). I'm certain the hospital knows about this because this is a side effect which even the injection makers have had to admit to! Their demand is counter to the facts and frankly I believe it should also be referred as a criminal matter, not just a civil one.

This must be ended by the withdraw of all mrna products. US law requires that products removal and I am disgusted by it not having been removed a long time ago. Now is past time but it should be done. I'm tired of stories like this. It's criminal.

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1) Get a different hospital.

2) I’ll Donate money to pay for a lawsuit. I’m guessing 1 million other people will too!

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My son was born with this same condition. I know every case is different, but I'm curious why they did not have her valve repaired. The family really needs to talk with Boston Children's Hospital specifically Dr. Pedro Del Nido. He did the repair for my son's valve 10 years ago at the age of 17.

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That’s COERCION, a criminal act under the Constitution and the Nuremberg Code, both punishable by death. I wish I new the person to inform them, if anyone reading this, please let them know to research it with a good constitutional attorney, also the Nuremberg Code

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Vaccines are murder weapons.

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They mandate thr very shots that destroy your heart. Only a fool would agree to this.

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Can they be sued for discrimination?

At this point, the unvaxd should be a protected class.

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Barbarically Criminal

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Trump has announced that any school pushing vaccine mandates is to be banned from receiving federal funding.

Now do the same to hospitals.

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