Hinting? Get it over with and go for the jugular. This murdering bum deserves no less.

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Crixcyon ,who murdered more Stalin or Faussi ? Could it be Fauzzi . ??

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Amidst all of the issues surrounding Dr. Fauci, NIH, USAID, and Pharma; he right of patient's decision autonomy is often passed over. Key to the practice of medicine is the patient right to accept or refuse a therapeutic intervention. Physicians, nurses and institutions should accept the patient's decision without injecting their bias. In my clinical research and medical practice career, discussions of standard and research therapies took first with the patient and physician - Q&A - followed by a discussion by a nurse and the patient - Q&A. If the patient remained unsure regarding a therapeutic intervention, no therapy was administered and the patient sent home for further contemplation and/or an arrangement made for a second opinion if requested. Had the above paradigm been employed by NIH, Pharma, hospitals and physician offices; many of today's issues would have been alleviated. Trust is built on honesty by all parties in such delicate and personal matters. However, if dishonesty and/or bias are present or injected into this paradigm, the entire process becomes corrupted resulting in the destruction of trust.

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Yes, to all...and if one believes that one "catches" an illness from others -- as most medical people do -- then for the safety of others, that person's autonomy must be sacrificed -- for that safety and the "greater good." So there goes choice, informed consent, and freedom.

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Clock is ticking ….. as we patiently watch the Bioweapon maim and kill family , friends and neighbors.

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First things first. Playing the blame game or looking for a scapegoat doesn't take the clot shots off the market. Pinning the blame of Fauci is idiotic because it excuses each and every other doctor or nurse who kept on injecting people when they knew the vax wasn't working. They openly ignored their oath to do no harm. Even if they didn't make an oath to do no harm, they need to be kicked out of the medical profession altogether. They shouldn't be allowed to sell a Q tip in a drug store.

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Yes, Desantis is putting the cart before the horse. Its ridiculous based on how hard he has fought to keep the jabs on the market! And why is it either/or? Ban the jabs & prosecute Fauci, both need to be done.

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"hint", "very possible"???? Nah. Tons of evidence of Fauci crimes going back decades. You didn't even mention the AZT murders and Remdesivir/vent murders. Not to mention experimenting and torturing/killing orphan children that Kennedy wrote about in his book.

Stop hinting. The crimes that Fauci committed should be out in the open and he should be brought to justice.

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That's big from DeSantis who also «committed no crime». This is such a charade. It was to be expected that they would throw Fauci under the bus to look good and save their asses. And more prominent scumbags will soon join Fauci on the list of convenient scapegoats. People have to be convinced that things have changed and that America is great again. Meanwhile, the sinister agenda can go full tilt ahead...

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DeSantis did not stop the Remdesivir/vent murders in Florida hospital. He KNEW about it. He did nothing.

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Dee ,that's exactly how they murdered my brother in a Canadian hospital .The murder spree extended over most of the planet ,not just Florida . In evening news they still push the deadly vaxxing and demonstrate how it is done in Vancouver Canada .

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I'm so sorry. I hope you have family/friend support. Murder is murder and it was done by the hospital. Hard to get over the reality of that.

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No sadly I have no one to talk about what they did with my brother ,not even my wife .I live 800 km from my brothers place and did not know he went in there ,or I would have warned him away from going in there His wife and two kids kept his death secrete for three month ,until his son stopped by my place and told me .Even the people next to me are ,family and relatives are my worst enemy ,with a criminal mind . Joe .

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When is someone going to sue Big pharma in the FDA for allowing fraudulent and ineffective medications to be given to people for the last 3 or 4 years? People are suffering and losing their livelihoods and homes because they can no longer function because of these fraudulent opioids. They're also doing it with the ADD type drugs all the controlled drugs are all now not working right and having side effects are not supposed to cause

This is absolutely disgusting that there's no outrage and nothing public about this by anybody. I guess people like being defrauded and God knows what they're putting in these that are causing these side effects that they're not supposed to cause. People should be outraged as well as worried as well as worried for their children and future generations when there's no more pain care at all left is what they're doing. These shortages happen and then they make them again and they don't work and they're doing some sort of uninformed consent clinical study on us

To completely change a drug like this is illegal without doing clinical studies and had they done studies they would find that they don't work and they cause debilitating side effects.. why change a drug that's been used successfully for decades? And it's intentional because it's every pharmaceutical company it's not just one Now all the sudden they don't know how to make an opioid? Absolutely sickening

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Well, it’s a step in the right direction, but you are correct, a much larger, decisive, and important step would be to go after harms, deaths, and destruction caused by the magic sauce. If the people I knew personally are typical, there is more than enough evidence available to support the claim that the sauce was the primary cause and infinitely more dangerous and destructive than the “virus” it was supposed to mitigate.

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DeSantis has a habit of jumping in to an issue, and waving the banner of whatever, too late to lead.

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But..but.. DeSantis set up a committee that looks into it. They held meetings. I think the committee actually wrote a couple of reports. I think they even used red pen to write their report. Then they held another meeting. Then another meeting to talk about the previous meeting.

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You get it b

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My favorite parts of Covid:


It Is Time To Re-Frame

“Unexpected Deaths”


“Expected Deaths”

For the Vaccinated.

Who Are Dying “As Expected”.


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Seems to me t hings are falling in the right direction, finally...Surel y, something with dr Trump has prevented any quick action, no?

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Thank you Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida. Your decision to prosecute Anthony Fauci at the state level, provides justice from the harm done by Biden’s sweeping pardon at the federal level. Pardons were created to insure justice, not to circumvent it. The people deserve to be heard on any matter of great significance like the use of bioweapon technology disguised as a vaccine. The facts are there, they just haven’t been made visible to the majority of the people. Your prosecution will expose those undeniable facts and lead to the justice we all seek.

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It's a bit like blaming the software for your computer glitches. Fauci et al. are just part of the machinery that keeps everything going. I want to know who the programmer is.

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If I were Nicholas B. Cox, Florida Statewide Prosecutor for the 22nd Statewide Grand Jury, I might be more than a little worried about the sh*t job I did leading this grand jury prosecution.

Cox led this Grand Jury to discuss "safe and effective" vs. "efficacy." He led them to talk about the "novel" SARS CoV-2 "virus." He led them to wax poetic -- except it wasn't very -- about the human immune system. And masks and lockdowns and distancing and infection risk. And on and on. Complete irrelevancies in blatant disregard of the Jury's Petition.

Somehow, though, Cox could not lead that Grand Jury to address the very specific statutes pointed at by his boss's boss in the Grand Jury Petition. He led them to find "serious issues," but nothing indictable across the entire Florida criminal code.

So. How exactly -- 𝒏𝒐𝒘 -- will Florida justify any action against Fauci or anyone given Cox's "work" on this Grand Jury investigation? The Jury -- "Meh, some "issues," but nothing indictable. What Florida really needs is "more widespread waste water testing."

No conduct rising to the level of indictable criminal conduct. The entire Florida code lies impotent in the face of the greatest crime ever. Not even the statutes to which the Governor pointed and upon which the Supreme Court granted his Petition offer any legal action. At least that's what this Jury found under Cox' "leadership."

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Some thoughts.

- "Stephanie Stock, leader of Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom, and her team helped draft the [Conscientious Right to Refuse Act] filed by Rep Jennifer Gross and Rep Beth Lear with twenty-seven co-sponsors. The bill protects children from being refused medical care or a transplant because their parents object to vaccination for conscientious or religious reasons, protects the right to conscientious objection to facial coverings, and allows objection to accepting a medical device used to track or store health or financial information."

-No Patient Left Alone Act: Defending Dignity, Compassion and Human Connection by

Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33)

Imagine fighting for your life in a hospital room, scared and in pain – yet completely alone. Imagine an elderly parent, confused and vulnerable, reaching for a hand that isn’t there. Imagine a dying loved one, their final moments spent in solitude, denied the comfort of family. This happens every single day in Pennsylvania.

During the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, thousands of patients across our state have suffered through illness, treatments and even death in complete isolation, stripped of the most basic human comfort: the presence of a loved one. We cannot allow this to continue.

That is why I am introducing the No Patient Left Alone Act – a compassionate, commonsense bill to ensure that no Pennsylvanian faces medical treatment or end-of-life care without the support of family, friends or an advocate.

Isolation takes a devastating toll on patients. The medical community widely acknowledges that emotional support is just as critical as medical treatment. Yet, countless patients have been denied this basic right due to outdated policies, bureaucratic indifference and hospital regulations that fail to recognize the human cost of isolation.

I do not know the conclusion of all of this. Just thought it was interesting.

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