Email records on the FDA website reveal that in the first 18 months after COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out to the public, VAERS showed alerts for serious adverse events for the Janssen vaccine.
Liars. They keep redefining words. When they wanted to hide the death of children of pregnant MRNA-vaxxed mothers (remember the babies), they redefined children into 4 categories, 0-3 months, 4-6 months, 7-9 months and post-birth deaths, to spread the numbers out. Then, they discounted any deaths up to 14 days after the mother's injection because they were technically not legally vaccinated. Then they divided the group into 1 shot or 2…. To further drop the count. Does it sound legit to you, or is it a cover-up?
Liars. They keep redefining words. When they wanted to hide the death of children of pregnant MRNA-vaxxed mothers (remember the babies), they redefined children into 4 categories, 0-3 months, 4-6 months, 7-9 months and post-birth deaths, to spread the numbers out. Then, they discounted any deaths up to 14 days after the mother's injection because they were technically not legally vaccinated. Then they divided the group into 1 shot or 2…. To further drop the count. Does it sound legit to you, or is it a cover-up?
This was pre meditated mass murder. There must be criminal charges.
Call a spade a spade.... tie it together and just say what needs to be said... here, I'll point it out for ya doc:
1. DOD payments to eco health
2. Furin cleavage sites
3. Bill gates 10 to 15% population decrease speech.
4. Forced mandates ie. Masks social distancing.
5. Turbo cancer to sudden death cardiac.
6. Spike protien & retroposition & frameshifting.
7. I gotta go fight this punk in the bar I'm in... I'll get back to you my friend..