Have they not read the Pfizer Papers?

They are the real misinformation spreaders.

Revolting how little money it takes to turn Doctors into murderers.


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They should all lose their licenses.

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There’s one thing all “evildoers hate”, which is truthful honest people presenting truthful information!

How else can “evildoers” survive? Their sole objective in life is to destroy “goodness”!

The world’s “ills” have always been deliberately designed by the “evildoers” or the Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab’s of societies.

When wickedness is blocked, wickedness attacks! Other times the wicked premeditate their next “ills” on the world such as Covid scam!

Sadly, it worked. Far too many people lined up to roll up, yes some were forced illegally, though most went willingly.

Now the “wicked” have been empowered and will seek to capitalize on their “wickedness”!

We mustn’t stand down, comply or cower! Cowering would embolden the “wicked” and strengthen their position.

Fight back is all we can do. Help others understand the truth and expand our knowledge base. Otherwise we’re “doomed”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Let's be blunt... The psychological and intellectual "mis- aligned" are protected under our American Constitution and Bill of Rights. But it does not protect them from displaying their satanic agenda and lawlessness

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This the first example if astroturf research I've seen in some while. The evidence sited is curious. CCDH was suspect in its origin as was the "Dozen" list. A posting analysis of the Telegram page may support her opinion, but little more. The research group's set of assumptions seem to be more a set of biases which they have elevated to greater credibility than they merit. On a purely academic level Toronto Met and Royal Roads are clearly, in the Canadian constellation, second tier schools. The research presented follows suit. The real question is who drove this study? That's almost a rhetorical question. From all the generalizations, as an example, I'd say there was a political thread for sure. But that's, my opinion based on what I've read here.

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It never ceases to amaze me how many people have no shame, honor, or integrity. They'll destroy the world to fit in. Too bad the globalist club they're trying to fit in to will squash them the second they're no longer needed.

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Fascinating! Seems like we’re entering a vortex of we-study-them, they-study-us, we-study-them-studying-us etc. Yet another symptom of these insane times.

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