I doubt that even the government can find enough money to reasonably compensate the injured and families of those who died from the jab. We have paid for the development,manufacture and use of the "vaccine "but the damage which was predictable has exceeded many times over those amounts.

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Yep. And way too many potential "defendants" in lawsuits.

It's counter-intuitive, but the more accomplices there are in a diabolical conspiracy, the less likely anyone will be punished.

Just tally the number of people who, by now, must know these shots are very dangerous ... and these people and organizations keep pushing the jabs.

Also, I don't understand why any parent or high school graduate would want to take on hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to be "educated" by "experts" who bought the entire pandemic narrative.

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We are vocal with friends and family who ask “have you had the RSV or flu vaccine” I say we will NEVER get injected by Pharma again. Especially with any future mRNA poison so if they are ‘banking’ on never-ending mRNA so-called vaccines, hopefully those drug companies will go bankrupt. Biden gave the failing Moderna about $580 Million of taxpayer dollars on his way out the door. They would have been bankrupt by now, which would have saved a lot of lives b/c who knows how many more they will harm or kill with their NEXT mRNA concoction???

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What people can't think about, or realize, is that our own government created this virus (via mad science), allowed it to escape (or released it intentionally) then covered this up, then created a non-vaccine that was not "safe and effective" but was actually dangerous and ineffective ... and mandated or coerced billions of people to get these shots ... all to prevent deaths that were never going to happen to 99.99 percent of the population because the virus wasn't any more "deadly" than the flu.

Our trusted “leaders” also killed countless people in hospitals, people who had no patient advocates next to their bedsides.

Imagine if 70 percent of the population suddenly realized all of this. I wonder if you can?


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I conclude the objective of the covid fraud was genocide.

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…I realized this truth a few years ago. People who have had the poison or allowed their children to have it are SO in denial that they made a poor decision, they cannot admit it.

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I do realize this and am unafraid to say that I deeply REGRET having that shot, just to be able to travel. Canada would not let anyone on a plane, even inter-Province, without the Vaccine “Passport”. We live in a Gulag to this day.

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This is so true and I can’t imagine what people would do if they realized it. When I tell people I know, some kind of get it, but I think they can’t fathom it.

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Proper compensation is not monetary, it’s to hang the manufacturers publicly! Death penalty is the proper recourse! 👊🏻

Anyway, the whole purpose of the vaccine was to depopulate so to them, it’s doing exactly what it was designed to do. The whole compensation fund is just propaganda for appearances. That’s exactly why 90% is for administration costs and just a few peanuts are handed out for pretend…

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I've always thought the death penalty probably doesn't deter any, if any, future homicides. The people who commit murder even do it in the heat of the moment (so they aren't thinking about any consequences that will flow from this impulsive act) or they think they are going to get away with the crime. (A third possibility: they might know that only a microscopic percentage of people who get the death penalty ever end up being executed).

However, if the argument for capital punishment is the "penalty fits the crime" (an eye-for-an-eye, etc) then maybe you can justify the ultimate punishment.

I will say knowingly killing millions of people is a pretty extreme crime. And this MIGHT be a deterrent for government officials who concoct some democidal scheme. Maybe the conspirators wouldn't do this if they thought they might one day get the "Nuremburg" punishment?

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Pfizer reported nearly 10,000 Different Jab Harms in its PSUR3.

They can all be explained


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That is the whole point, the government (actually taxpayers) have been on the hook for the vaccine industry abuse. The first order of business should be to remove immunity of the vaccine industry and then sue them into oblivion (and I would re-institute indentured servitude) until they have paid their debt (as determined by the jury of injured peers and not some easily bought judge).

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Time to D.O.G.E. This Agency. A $10 Million budget with $9 Million for Admin???? That is SICK.

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The maker of the vaccine should pay, not Taxpayers. But those scum are protected. What a racket.

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Let’s all take that protection AWAY. Maybe they would do proper trials if they were liable. Our Governments worldwide better come to Jesus.

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Un-named "person"? A corporation is defined legally as "An entity such as a business, municipality, or organization, that involves more than one person but that has met the legal requirements to operate AS A SINGLE PERSON, so that it may enter into contracts and engage in transactions under its own identity. Such a body created FOR PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT. A group of people combined into or acting as one body." That amount of money went to a (pharmaceutical) corp. How were they hurt? By being sued for murdering millions. Out of one pocket & into the other. Read your Bible: Revelation 18:23 "and the light of a lamp will not shine in you any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your SORCERY (LIT. word in Greek is pharmakeia).

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Is anyone considering the ultimate cost of drug development to include liability payments?

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check out a page called the expose

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