Children under 5 who received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines were more likely to become infected with COVID-19 than unvaccinated children who had natural immunity.
What I got was definitely NOT the flu. Felt completely unnatural. No normal flu symptoms, ie. Fever, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
Symptoms were
Intense burning behind the eyes
Bone pain
Skin pain (felt like razor blades)
Completely loss of taste and smell for 2 weeks
Each symptom came in one at a time, one after the other. Like a light switch being turned on and off, they were totally isolated. The most bizarre sickness I've ever experienced.
Also, since my infection early on in the lockdowns, I have never contracted it again (even when my entire dance class all came up positive for it, I was the one who didnt get sick)
My sister had this response to the second Pfizer shot. Add stomach gut pains, followed by massive head pressure pains, followed by heart attacks. One year later, turbo breast cancer. My two unvaxxed sons in their twenties, came down with a severe flu in early 2020 unlike anything they had before or I have ever experienced or witnessed . So there was something for sure.
Evidence of “shedding” is no longer a theory. Lots of evidence of women being sickened related to proximity and/or sex with vacks*ed partners. As such, a lot makes sense for those of us not shot up. Brian Ardis has powerful evidence of venom-based elements in the bioweapon shots and it's possible that combined with other toxic elements (in lipid nano-particle wrappers) would produce the symptoms you're describing. My brother and I living together both went down with something similar in 2021 and it was more debilitating than anything either one of us had ever experienced. Down for a month solid. Venom+ makes sense. Fortunately we were both in great health and have followed up with various recommended detox courses. Nothing remotely like that since
facts remain. no sarscov2 has ever been isolated from a sample taken from a sick human. the method section of every virus isolation study shows this. so there cant be a 'test' or a 'vaccine' .. but you believe what you will. i'm only here to encourage people to investigate & research far & wide. politicians, media & drug companies have NEVER been worthy of ANY trust.
“Still catch, still spread’’ no one is ‘vaccinated’ by the experimental covid injections. Your story is sus.
The “transmission” of viruses between humans & other animals was disproved by Dr. Milton Rosenau - and many others - in a series of careful, well-documented experiments performed for the U.S government and published in 1919, and there is NOTHING in the medical record since that contradicts their results. It’s no secret either it’s in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Vol. 73, No. 5, Aug. 2, 1919. It is well-written and easy to follow.
You know that “virology” is a pseudo-science, but keep the big lie alive? Why?
Surely the best way for people to stop taking vaccines, is to realise there has never been a need for them, in the first place because no virus ever, has been isolated, or demonstrated to infect anything (except the minds of fiction writers everywhere).
I know RFK Jr thinks the masses, “can’t handle the truth”, but I think that is a gross underestimation of people’s intelligence.
Help free humanity from the bonds of institutional malevolence, please.
I have to disagree. I contracted this bizarre virus and there's no way on earth it was the flu. It was the first time I ever seriously considered that it could have been man made.
No normal flu symptoms. After my natural infection, I never caught it again.
I am sorry if what I described doesnt fit in with what you are reading or being told but I am speaking on a real experience. There isn't anything that can take away what I know from my own firsthand experience. (When your skin from head to toe feels like it has been sliced with razorblades, it is quite convincing you are not experiencing the flu) No, it's not in my mind.
I am a Holistic Nutritionist. I know about the issues surrounding Big Pharma and our health agencies. I did not take the jab because I knew I would likely have my own natural immunity after infection. I also have studied the topic of vaccines and was not convinced of it's safety.
You should watch the video Joselene. Your 'experience' does not equate to scientific evidence. Just because you think you have been 'infected' or 'caught' whatever is making you feel unwell, does not make it a fact. I used to believe that too. Dr. Yeadon used to as well. Because that is what we have been told. But when you look at the studies, as he and others have...
As Dr. Yeadon makes perfectly clear, transmission/contagion of acute respiratory illness has never been established, by successful experiments proving such. Over 100 years of attempts, but no success.
I understand a lot of people are making money off the virus mythology, but greed shouldn't stand in the path of human advancement. Real human advancement.
I understand that I am not going to convince you that the sickness I experienced was real. I may not be able to prove what I had was in fact "COVID", but I know what I experienced was unnatural, and definitely not a cold or what people know to be the flu. This was something completely different.
Aside from complete loss of taste and smell (lasted a full 2 weeks), and extreme fatigue (lasted 1 week), each symptoms came independently from one another. One symptom superseding the next with no overlap. Like a light switch turning on and off.
- Intense burning behind the eyes
- Intense skin pain (mentioned in my previous message)
- Intense bone and muscle pain; this would move one section at a time through my body
There was no sneezing, coughing, runny nose, congestion, stomach problems or other typical flu-like symptoms
I'm not saying it was 'in your mind', simply that you didn't 'catch' whatever was wrong with you.
My health has improved exponentially since I divested myself of these myths. No antibiotics or inhalers two and a half years now. No doctors visits.
I'm convinced there is a psychosomatic component to illness, too. There are other external factors that affect your health besides diet, too, like stress, overwork,etc.
As long as people continue to cling to false narratives, they won't look any further to determine the cause of the illness.
That’s probably true of anyone that received the Covid vax. There are very few people I know that got the jab and remained covid free. It was all a scam. Fear induced scam.
I am very simply speaking on my personal, first-hand experience. I am not jumping to any conclusions here. I described the illness, and I understand I may never know what exactly this was. Also note, there were no respiratory symptoms experienced here. Those were my very real symptoms, plain and simple. What I am saying is not propaganda, it is simply the truth. The symptoms I jotted in the list spanned out over 3 to 4 days. Make of it what you will, I have no benefit in spreading lies.
You have the right not to believe me or believe it is all in my head.
How strange to be told "you are mistaken" about your own very real experience. I would hope we would be on the same side of finding out what caused it as opposed to continually repeating that it simply didn't happen.
Above I expressed my own physical experiences observed…I know that ‘shedding’ of the vax is real, I lived with a guy who worshiped the vax and msm felt ‘honored ’ that he was one in the first Veterans permitted to receive it, then each booster. Living close to him I became ill, felt like a 90yo for weeks after each time. I finally left him, could not watch his self-abuse. As you say, no one has ever had ‘covid’ then why/how obvious the symptoms globally? positive tests? What about Lyme… those with many tragic chronic symptoms after bitten by ticks spirochetes and bullseye migrans for 35+ years are still told by many medical professionals that symptoms are all in their heads? Testing is not definitive. Is Lyme also a longterm social experiment to plumpen fatPfizer ?
What about when a voodoo medicine man points his bone and says you will wither away and die. If - as often happens they wither away and die, do you consider that proof that voodoo curses work?
Or the 50 years where your argument was used to show Scurvy was infectious. Do you think they were right after all?
There is nothing surprising at all about this study. Nothing. It’s why the rest of the world (effectively) don’t boost children. Here’s another question: How many vaccinated children under 5 became seriously ill, hospitalized or died from COVID-19 (Eg not SARS-COV-2 infection) compared to unvaccinated? I suspect it was incredibly low. So low, that one would have to run massive trials to show statistical power. Therefore, one would also have to run massive safety trials in this same cohort, and there’s the rub.
Alex Jones kept screaming the vaccine is the real bioweapon, but the sheep kept watching CNN.
Flu rebranded Sarscov2 is bs
What I got was definitely NOT the flu. Felt completely unnatural. No normal flu symptoms, ie. Fever, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
Symptoms were
Intense burning behind the eyes
Bone pain
Skin pain (felt like razor blades)
Completely loss of taste and smell for 2 weeks
Each symptom came in one at a time, one after the other. Like a light switch being turned on and off, they were totally isolated. The most bizarre sickness I've ever experienced.
Also, since my infection early on in the lockdowns, I have never contracted it again (even when my entire dance class all came up positive for it, I was the one who didnt get sick)
They were all jabbed - I wasn't.
You got no infection. Nobody has ever caught anything . No biological pathogens have ever existed.
£3000 to you for any evidence otherwise
My sister had this response to the second Pfizer shot. Add stomach gut pains, followed by massive head pressure pains, followed by heart attacks. One year later, turbo breast cancer. My two unvaxxed sons in their twenties, came down with a severe flu in early 2020 unlike anything they had before or I have ever experienced or witnessed . So there was something for sure.
Evidence of “shedding” is no longer a theory. Lots of evidence of women being sickened related to proximity and/or sex with vacks*ed partners. As such, a lot makes sense for those of us not shot up. Brian Ardis has powerful evidence of venom-based elements in the bioweapon shots and it's possible that combined with other toxic elements (in lipid nano-particle wrappers) would produce the symptoms you're describing. My brother and I living together both went down with something similar in 2021 and it was more debilitating than anything either one of us had ever experienced. Down for a month solid. Venom+ makes sense. Fortunately we were both in great health and have followed up with various recommended detox courses. Nothing remotely like that since
My husband caught it too, then gave it to me. We were both very sick for 2 weeks
facts remain. no sarscov2 has ever been isolated from a sample taken from a sick human. the method section of every virus isolation study shows this. so there cant be a 'test' or a 'vaccine' .. but you believe what you will. i'm only here to encourage people to investigate & research far & wide. politicians, media & drug companies have NEVER been worthy of ANY trust.
“Still catch, still spread’’ no one is ‘vaccinated’ by the experimental covid injections. Your story is sus.
The “transmission” of viruses between humans & other animals was disproved by Dr. Milton Rosenau - and many others - in a series of careful, well-documented experiments performed for the U.S government and published in 1919, and there is NOTHING in the medical record since that contradicts their results. It’s no secret either it’s in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Vol. 73, No. 5, Aug. 2, 1919. It is well-written and easy to follow.
Get that poison off the market!
Why do you keep telling people this?
You know that “virology” is a pseudo-science, but keep the big lie alive? Why?
Surely the best way for people to stop taking vaccines, is to realise there has never been a need for them, in the first place because no virus ever, has been isolated, or demonstrated to infect anything (except the minds of fiction writers everywhere).
I know RFK Jr thinks the masses, “can’t handle the truth”, but I think that is a gross underestimation of people’s intelligence.
Help free humanity from the bonds of institutional malevolence, please.
I have to disagree. I contracted this bizarre virus and there's no way on earth it was the flu. It was the first time I ever seriously considered that it could have been man made.
No normal flu symptoms. After my natural infection, I never caught it again.
Hi Joselene,
People believe what they have been conditioned to believe.
We have been told a lot of lies, by people we should be able to trust.
I used to believe in viruses, and contagion too. Not anymore.
I am sorry if what I described doesnt fit in with what you are reading or being told but I am speaking on a real experience. There isn't anything that can take away what I know from my own firsthand experience. (When your skin from head to toe feels like it has been sliced with razorblades, it is quite convincing you are not experiencing the flu) No, it's not in my mind.
I am a Holistic Nutritionist. I know about the issues surrounding Big Pharma and our health agencies. I did not take the jab because I knew I would likely have my own natural immunity after infection. I also have studied the topic of vaccines and was not convinced of it's safety.
You should watch the video Joselene. Your 'experience' does not equate to scientific evidence. Just because you think you have been 'infected' or 'caught' whatever is making you feel unwell, does not make it a fact. I used to believe that too. Dr. Yeadon used to as well. Because that is what we have been told. But when you look at the studies, as he and others have...
As Dr. Yeadon makes perfectly clear, transmission/contagion of acute respiratory illness has never been established, by successful experiments proving such. Over 100 years of attempts, but no success.
I understand a lot of people are making money off the virus mythology, but greed shouldn't stand in the path of human advancement. Real human advancement.
I understand that I am not going to convince you that the sickness I experienced was real. I may not be able to prove what I had was in fact "COVID", but I know what I experienced was unnatural, and definitely not a cold or what people know to be the flu. This was something completely different.
Aside from complete loss of taste and smell (lasted a full 2 weeks), and extreme fatigue (lasted 1 week), each symptoms came independently from one another. One symptom superseding the next with no overlap. Like a light switch turning on and off.
- Intense burning behind the eyes
- Intense skin pain (mentioned in my previous message)
- Intense bone and muscle pain; this would move one section at a time through my body
There was no sneezing, coughing, runny nose, congestion, stomach problems or other typical flu-like symptoms
I'm sorry, but this was not in my mind.
I'm not saying it was 'in your mind', simply that you didn't 'catch' whatever was wrong with you.
My health has improved exponentially since I divested myself of these myths. No antibiotics or inhalers two and a half years now. No doctors visits.
I'm convinced there is a psychosomatic component to illness, too. There are other external factors that affect your health besides diet, too, like stress, overwork,etc.
As long as people continue to cling to false narratives, they won't look any further to determine the cause of the illness.
You are mistaken
Viruses are pure fiction. Contagion is pure fiction. Transmission of disease via ‘biological pathogen’ us pure fiction.
OK, OK, but there's still reasons to get your kid boosted:
Haha, obviously you have not read the article at all!
Apologies I have now 😀
The risk of this happening was predictable.
Vaccines potential link to autoimmune diseases cannot be dismissed
Imprison all at Pfizer and Moderna pending execution
Children who didn't get vaccinated since 1960 are 1000 times more likely to NOT get autism too.
That’s probably true of anyone that received the Covid vax. There are very few people I know that got the jab and remained covid free. It was all a scam. Fear induced scam.
Anyone pretending a ‘Covid infection’ is not pure fiction at this stage is compromised or shockingly unaware.
£3000 to you for any evidence any infectious biological pathogen has ever existed
You are aiding the WHO and the rest of the perpetrators if you push their PsyOps for them
We are all working so hard to shed light on the reality that ‘Covid’ was purely a psychological operation
Anyone assisting the controligarchs next Hoaxdemic by propping up the myth of contagion is not our friend.
Who are you?
I am very simply speaking on my personal, first-hand experience. I am not jumping to any conclusions here. I described the illness, and I understand I may never know what exactly this was. Also note, there were no respiratory symptoms experienced here. Those were my very real symptoms, plain and simple. What I am saying is not propaganda, it is simply the truth. The symptoms I jotted in the list spanned out over 3 to 4 days. Make of it what you will, I have no benefit in spreading lies.
You have the right not to believe me or believe it is all in my head.
How strange to be told "you are mistaken" about your own very real experience. I would hope we would be on the same side of finding out what caused it as opposed to continually repeating that it simply didn't happen.
I never said you were lying. I am saying you are confusing the fact of your symptoms with the fairy/-tale of contagion.
For 50 years Scurvy was considered an infectious disease.
Exactly the same reasons anyone ever imagines
( after 6000 years with no culture ‘noticing’ it)
that It is possible to ‘catch a disease’
You were healing (all ‘illness’ is just healing)
Maybe EMF ?
One thing is sure.
No infectious biological pathogens have ever existed.
£3000 to you for any evidence otherwise
I was Covid and vax free for 4 years .. then had lunch with a couple friends who were recently vaxed (without telling me), I got covid.
Nobody has ever had Covid. Nobody has ever caught anything from anyone else.
So every human ever born was/is born with ‘artifacts’ in their physical bodies that spontaneously combust into a disease?
Above I expressed my own physical experiences observed…I know that ‘shedding’ of the vax is real, I lived with a guy who worshiped the vax and msm felt ‘honored ’ that he was one in the first Veterans permitted to receive it, then each booster. Living close to him I became ill, felt like a 90yo for weeks after each time. I finally left him, could not watch his self-abuse. As you say, no one has ever had ‘covid’ then why/how obvious the symptoms globally? positive tests? What about Lyme… those with many tragic chronic symptoms after bitten by ticks spirochetes and bullseye migrans for 35+ years are still told by many medical professionals that symptoms are all in their heads? Testing is not definitive. Is Lyme also a longterm social experiment to plumpen fatPfizer ?
The PCR tests were totally fraudulent. There was no spread or transmission in 2020 (or ever)
There were no novel symptoms, no novel disease
Lyme is another interesting case - more ludicrous than ‘Covid’ - every possible symptom can be a ‘Lyme’ symptom.
Tom Cowan cured several ‘Lyme sufferers’ did he not?
There is no evidence any disease can be passed by Tick bites.
But ad GNM points out, the trauma invasion of the slin can trigger a healing response
The body doesn’t ‘go wrong’. So called ‘illness’ is a healing crisis
Bottom line is;
£3000 to you for any evidence any infectious pathogen has ever existed.
What about when a voodoo medicine man points his bone and says you will wither away and die. If - as often happens they wither away and die, do you consider that proof that voodoo curses work?
Or the 50 years where your argument was used to show Scurvy was infectious. Do you think they were right after all?
Do NOT trust the government with your personal welfare
Or any site or publication pretending Covid was real.
This is absolutely CRIMINIAL what the cabal has orchestrated.
And helped by Tier 2 influencers like THE DEFENDER.
Pushing the Covid Psyop still!!!!!
This publication is not our friend. The perps will run another Hoaxdemic thanks to sites like this - pushing the Covid Psyop for them.
There is nothing surprising at all about this study. Nothing. It’s why the rest of the world (effectively) don’t boost children. Here’s another question: How many vaccinated children under 5 became seriously ill, hospitalized or died from COVID-19 (Eg not SARS-COV-2 infection) compared to unvaccinated? I suspect it was incredibly low. So low, that one would have to run massive trials to show statistical power. Therefore, one would also have to run massive safety trials in this same cohort, and there’s the rub.